The Foundation Center -- An important online tool available to the non-profit community, this website provides a comprehensive guide to grant-makers, publications, fundraising techniques, professional development opportunities, and news from the non-profit sector.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy- This website offers online access to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, the "paper of record" of the non-profit world.
Prospect Research - This site offers a useful guide to the different types of online prospect research tools available to non-profit organizations.
Fundsnet Online Resources - This website provides a comprehensive guide to grantmakers, organized by type, area of interest, and other crucial factors.
Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington The Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington brings nonprofit leaders together in order to address community issues.
The Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers promotes and supports effective and responsible philanthropy by serving the needs of grantmakers throughout the greater Washington region and by fostering closer ties between funders and the non-profit community.
Guidestar- This website is the source for freeaccess to comprehensive financial information about grantmakers and non-profit organizations, as well as a host of powerful research tools available by subscription.